I served on the Board from 2004 to 2019 and was Chair of the Fundraising Committee for 15 years. I continue to be a committee member. In 2015, I assumed the role of entering donations and preparing tax receipts for our donors. I continue to be the backup on this program for our treasurer, as well as a member of the Donor Relations Team.
My husband and I travelled to Belize with Les Frayne twice to visit our scholarship students at their schools. S.H.A.R.E.’s projects involving education, literacy and skills training are providing the recipients with hope for their future.
As a 40+ year donor I’ve supported S.H.A.R.E.'s practical and effective projects that help people help themselves.
During a monitoring trip to Brazil, I saw first-hand a project which had been funded 13 years earlier that was still benefitting from the pass-on-principle.
I was involved in the very first project that sent 38 Holstein purebred heifers and 3 bulls to Mossoro, Brazil.
Amina joins the team as a grants Officer, responsible for finding funding to support the work S.H.A.R.E. does.
Isaac is very happy to have joined S.H.A.R.E. in January 2024 as a member of the Communications Committee.