These words might be a slogan for survival while living in the shadows of this long, challenging pandemic. Indeed, resilience - the ability to recover from difficulty, to adapt, to be tenacious, to endure - is a necessary way of life for those living in poverty, who struggle to survive daily and lack opportunities to improve their situation.
S.H.A.R.E.’s projects provide a “hand up” that may enable a farm family to move out of poverty and be more resilient in these difficult times.
Supporting women to have a little income increases resilience in families. This woman, whose little one has just recovered from malnutrition, has a small enterprise in a project in Haiti, earning funds for her family's food.
Assisting families to diversify crops increases their resilience. Providing trees, seeds and agricultural technical advice supports families to have a variety of produce to eat and sell. This field of pineapple will provide income for this family in Guatemala and will help families in the nearby communities diversify their diets.
Irrigation projects in Bolivia, Honduras and El Salvador and shallow wells in Cambodia increase the resilience of families in areas where there is a long dry season or frequent long droughts. Farmers have a reliable and constant supply of water to irrigate crops, ensuring food security and income.