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By Marg Frayne, Grants Officer

“In our village, we have not had the opportunity of projects that directly benefit the women, but now you have thought about the lives of rural women and are changing the story of our communities.”

“For many years we have cooked on traditional open-pit fires, burning our hands, inhaling excess smoke, and using a lot of firewood. Now, by obtaining one of these stoves, our lives will change for the better; we’ll have better working conditions at home, and completely protect ourselves.” – Doña Matilde

The smoke from open indoor cooking fires used in the developing countries has been called “the killer in the kitchen” and is one of the leading causes of death and illness in women and children. S.H.A.R.E. has recently provided 152 Eco-Stoves for families in impoverished settlements in Guatemala. The women say that they cannot believe the difference these new stoves make in their health and lives! The smoke leaves the home in the stove pipe. The enclosed fire chamber burns more efficiently so fewer sticks are needed for cooking. Less time is spent wood gathering. The homes are cleaner and safer for the children. The large flat surface on the new stove is ideal for cooking the family’s staple food, corn tortillas. Families are planting and caring for trees as their “pass on” in the project. Thank you for helping S.H.A.R.E. “change the story" for women and children in Guatemala!

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