In Cambodia, where frequent droughts challenge farmers’ ability to grow crops for food and income and make accessing safe drinking water difficult in many areas, S.H.A.R.E. works with Tabitha Foundation Cambodia to provide field wells for irrigation to small farmers. Families must first join a Tabitha organized Savings Program to save the qualifying $20 contribution for a well, thus establishing their ownership. Each well, once drilled and equipped with a pump, will supply two families, allowing them to grow crops in the dry season and expand their harvest beyond rice. Tabitha’s staff are local and accessible to teach the farmers how to care and maintain their well, and also help with crop management.
Gay Lea Foundation grant: $16,000 to drill 50 wells to provide safe drinking water and irrigation to 100 subsistence farmer families.
Link to additional information on the Gay Lea Foundation and their charitable works:
Gay Lea Foundation passes $2 million in charitable giving | Gay Lea