It Made a Difference to That One!

“I have always wanted to tend this type of garden but because of finances, I was never able to achieve that dream."
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Many of us have heard the story of the boy walking on the beach picking up starfish and throwing them back into the ocean. A man walks by and says to the boy, “What are you doing? Surely, you can’t hope to save ALL these starfish. There are hundreds on this beach. You can’t make a difference.” The boy stoops down and picks up another starfish and throws it back in the ocean and says, “It made a difference to that one.”

Thank you for helping make a difference to one person, one family and one community in our S.H.A.R.E. projects!

“I have always wanted to tend this type of garden but because of finances, I was never able to achieve that dream. You have made my dream a reality! In a few days, I will be a vegetable vendor! I will have cabbage and tomatoes to sell. I plan to trade with some of my neighbours who grew plantain so that I have a business that has some of everything. I cannot wait! Thank you.” - Marie Gerta, Haiti

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