The first monitoring trip that S.H.A.R.E. has done since the onset of the pandemic was a 3-day visit by John Moore (Project Manager) and Gary Shaw (Executive Director) primarily focused on a financial/recordkeeping audit, touring S.H.A.R.E projects at Second Mile Haiti sites in Milot/Saint-Louis and San Raphael, and discussions with Executive Director Jenn Schenk and Program Manager Amy Syres.
We toured the two SMH centres, each composing identical units – Pre/postnatal, Maternity, and Malnutrition Treatment - and were able to confirm the productive operation of S.H.A.R.E.’s investments in wells, practice gardens, and equipment.
S.H.A.R.E. provides funds to support a food forest, practice gardens, and a well and pump to support irrigation. Women enrolled in the nutrition program are taught how to grow food for their families using the practice gardens and, if they have extra produce, how to sell it for additional income. Graduates of the program are provided with nursery seed stock to start their own gardens. We visited three graduate gardens and all appear to be thriving. SMH makes regular visits to monitor and assist with any concerns.
We were impressed by SMH's pre-natal, maternity, malnutrition treatment, and education programs which are delivered to a widely dispersed, subsistence, and rural population. SMH’s services, which are so desperately needed by the populace, are being delivered affordably and effectively. In our opinion, S.H.A.R.E.’s funding has and continues to be optimally invested and managed.