Final Report from ANTA: Sustainable Farming and Protecting Indigenous Women in El Salvador

Surveying Experiences to Address Violence against Women

The project began with a survey that involved 434 women and 108 men, specifically targeting Lenca and Pipil women. The survey aimed to investigate the impact of COVID-19 on individuals and their experiences with violence, abuse, and inequity against women. The women participants were subsequently selected as the project beneficiaries. 
A community gathers for a workshop

Workshops on Women's Issues 

The classes included:
  • gender workshops
  • training workshops on legal matters of the Family Code, Law Free of Violence against Women and Law against domestic violence (100 women and 28 men)
  • workshops on Law of Equality, Equity and Eradication of Discrimination Against Women 
S.H.A.R.E, in partnership with ANTA, also hosted a National Conference on the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women.

Promoting Agroecological Practices

Participants from local municipalities received agricultural training on fruit, vegetable, grains, greenhouse and nursery crops, soil management, beekeeping, and agricultural equipment management.

ANTA reports a 78% increase in knowledge of the agroecological model among targeted communities. With over 100 beneficiaries also experiencing an increased level of environmental awareness.

Agronomy Projects 

In total, 9 agroecological demonstration plots, with participants from the municipalities of Sonsonate and Morazán, were established during the project. 9 monitoring plots were built with participants from the other municipalities. Additionally, 6 sprinkler irrigation systems were built in 2 communities. 

Other projects include:
  • meat and egg chickens (50 beneficiaries)
  • pigs (40)
  • loroco seedlings (35)
  • chili seedlings (70)
  • tomato seedlings (58)
  • beehives and accessories (10)
  • compost (15)
Delivering Bee equipment for agronomy project

Helping those Affected by Hurricane Julia

There was a surplus of $2,500 at the end of the project. In collaboration with ANTA, S.H.A.R.E directed these funds to assist the victims of Hurricane Julia. The money was used to buy seed grain and sheets for roofing with 100 beneficiaries.
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